
Showing posts from November, 2021

'Requiem for a Dollar' by Aziya (November 19th - December 9th)

About:  Requiem for a Dollar  is an exhibition that exposes how the capitalist system is built upon inequality. With the recent Covid 19 epidemic, its flaws became more prominent than ever and inspired Ikhtymbayeva to address questions regarding its core idea: money. She develops the concept of ‘souvenir’ currency to explore society’s shift towards digital currency. This change will render physical money as merely a souvenir from the past; nothing more than a piece of paper which humanity valorized.    Artist Statement I was born in 1988 in Almaty, Kazakhstan and grew up in a family full of artists and cinematographers. Art studios and the theatre were my second home. This environment exposed me to different forms of art which I continued to explore through my bachelor and master degrees in media and communications. Although I have experimented with various mediums such as music and fashion design, painting has always been my core interest.  My role as an artis...

Interview with artist Valeria Valdizan about her Exhibition 'Biophiliac'

  About:   Biophiliac  is an exhibition that deals with the intimate relationship and connection one has with nature, both physically, mentally and spiritually. The concept originates from the word Biophilia (an innate human tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life). Through painting, Valdizan reconnects with herself and establishes a bond with nature.  The word biophilia was coined by the evolutionary biologist Edward O. Willson of Harvard University, who created a hypothesis that established that contact with nature is essential for human psychological development. Biophilia suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other life forms. We are all born biophiliacs. Biography of the artist: Having been born and raised in Latin America, I have had the benefit and privilege to be close to the exuberance of nature, where I have found not only a refuge from the contemporary technological scenery, but also a...

Womanhood by Rebekka Macht October 14th–30th

The exhibition Womanhood features (b.Düsseldorf) Berlin- based artist, Rebekka Macht. Her large scale portrait paintings provide an insight into the artist’s intimate reflections on the ‘woman’ label and the realities of being a single mom. Through the perspective of the female gaze, Rebekka uses her own image to explore the representation of women’s bodies, their experiences, and single motherhood. This leads her to contemplate how women can grow emotionally and spiritually from these experiences. (Her distinct color palette is inspired by her interest in nature and fashion, and which conveys a simultaneous presence of lightness and heaviness.)

Interview with artist Crissian Chen about his exhibition "The Body is our Home"

  Julia Mazal (intern at gallery SLP) interviews Crissian Chen on his latest exhibition on Gender Identity 'The Body is Our Home' at Galerie Sara Lily Perez from Oct. 7th - 13th, Bikini Berlin.     The Body is Our Home was mixed media exhibition about self-identity, corporeal spaces, feelings, moments of time, and the liminality of transformations are all elements tied to the body.  How we perceive ourselves lies within the body and how we transcend goes beyond and outward. The body is a vessel of our experiences that reflects loss, struggle, crisis, tranquility, discovery, ecstasy, and impermanence.  The Body is our Home.  

Interview with Owner Sara Lily Perez by Intern Hang Nguyen

Sara Lily Perez is a Berlin and New York-based gallerist, art curator and businesswoman. She recently opened an environmental gallery called Galerie SLP in Berlin. To sustain the gallery, she has a small work team of 5 people which includes her partner, her friend, two interns and herself. Her gallery is slowly but steadily growing; this brings many new challenges to work through and exciting goals to accomplish.  How do you respond when people ask what our job is?  I say that I am a gallerist. The mission of my gallery is to create meaningful conversations about society; specifically, my gallery focuses on the theme of sustainability and the environment while working to promote unity and quality.  Since the opening of the gallery, I have had the chance to meet so many amazing artists from different backgrounds with different ideas and values. My role is to provide a space that will allow these artists and their works to be presented with respect and care. The process of...