Interview with artist Valeria Valdizan about her Exhibition 'Biophiliac'




Biophiliac  is an exhibition that deals with the intimate relationship and connection one has with nature, both physically, mentally and spiritually. The concept originates from the word Biophilia (an innate human tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life). Through painting, Valdizan reconnects with herself and establishes a bond with nature. 

The word biophilia was coined by the evolutionary biologist Edward O. Willson of Harvard University, who created a hypothesis that established that contact with nature is essential for human psychological development. Biophilia suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other life forms. We are all born biophiliacs.

Biography of the artist:

Having been born and raised in Latin America, I have had the benefit and privilege to be close to the exuberance of nature, where I have found not only a refuge from the contemporary technological scenery, but also an approach to my roots as a human being. The contact of humans with nature is something that has accompanied us since the beginning of time and it is also where we will always find our balance as living organisms. Unifying our existence to the natural world is where I think we will find the answers to how to evolve as society and as individuals.

The climate crisis and the pandemic are strong reminders of the vulnerability of us humans and the planet. Furthermore, in the middle of the digital age, as time passes with the hectic rhythm of the life we ​​lead, we lose more and more sensitivity and direct contact with nature and with other people. With time, all of this dehumanizes us. Now more than ever, we need to create awareness, to protect the environment, reconnect with nature, and remember that we are sentient beings. 


We must re-learn to live in harmony with nature and somehow return to that consciousness that has been lost with the advancement of technology and the political systems that we carry.

Through these series of artworks, I try to reflect my personal perception and interpretation of reality and nature. Using photography as a tool and painting as my main medium, I create new images that represent visions of nature from different perspectives. Among many other characteristics that nature possesses, my paintings evoke beauty, abundance, mystery, depth, power, delicacy, strength, and harmony. The use of contrast and strong vibrant colours are main aspects of my work. 


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